Funding projects
We are project partner in international funded projects. With our expertise in technologies and education, we support the international promotion of young talents and the qualification of skilled workers.

BexElektro brings movement into E-Mobility qualification
We are a partner in the BMBF project “Berufsbildungsexellenz Elektromobilität – Bex Elektro”. Over the next four years, the aim is to establish an innovation cluster comprising training providers, companies from the skilled trades and industry, technology manufacturers and social partners and associations. After all, what use is available technology if too few skilled workers are available to install and maintain it? The result of BexElektro will be a system of modular, highly topical training courses that are booked in modules and build on each other transparently to provide systematic higher qualifications up to the level of Bachelor Professional. Dr. Anja Schulz is our project manager and contact person.

Thailand | Economic change through qualification
Many of us know Thailand as a beautiful country with a long history, a royal family and tourist highlights like temples and white beaches. However, Thailand has also been busy for many years to develop into a production and business location. This is currently happening in the Bangkok region in the so-called East Economic Corridor. To enable companies to hire well-trained specialists, the Thai government is supporting the qualification of engineers by expanding universities and, in particular, by training teachers and expanding local automation laboratories. With the cooperation of European universities and Phoenix Contact, the 6 leading Thai universities will be trained in the field of automation technology within the next 2 years. Industrial applications, energy saving concepts, IT security and many other topics and training concepts will be exchanged by universities from Germany, Austria, Belgium and Spain with the departments of the universities. Phoenix Contact Automation Technology provides support in transferring what has been learned into practice and conveying it to the students in an application-oriented manner. And so, in the long term, countries known to us become partner communities in education and business.

CCoA | Job engine for Morocco
With 30 million square kilometers, the continent of Africa represents 22% of the earth’s surface and, with 1.3 billion people, is the second largest population group on our planet after Asia. And yet its economic importance is rather low compared to Western industrialized nations. To change this, many African countries, such as Morocco as a North African country, are making great efforts to change the situation and promote industrial settlement through the use of modern technology. Together with the German Federal Ministry for Development, GIZ, Steinbeiss University and German companies such as Phoenix Contact, Rittal, Siemens and the Technology Academy Hannover, a three-year project was launched in 2021 to enable the transfer of technology and knowledge from Germany to higher and technical education in Morocco. On the part of Phoenix Contact, PLCnext training devices were installed in more than 15 educational institutions in the country. Teacher training measures took place and the functionality to explain the advantages of modern automation technology. The local managers of the companies are also actively involved. In the meantime, around 350 students are being qualified by the professors and lecturers for their professional assignments in Moroccan companies. This networked approach makes it clear once again that qualification of people in the region is a key factor for economic growth and innovation for local companies. The example of the Competence Center on Automation in Morocco has already impressed during the term. Other countries such as Ghana, Egypt, Côte d’Ivoire and Tunisia have also shown interest in implementing such projects with German companies. It is up to us how we sustainably develop our world regions.