Education Solutions
Our solutions enable the practical and cross-industry teaching of technology-related learning content in education and training. With the help of our product portfolio, consisting of hardware, matching service, accessories and teaching aids, you will succeed in getting off to an optimal start in the working world.

Automation technology

A central dimension and driver of the “All Electric Society” is “Industry 4.0” with ever increasing process automation driven by programmable logic controllers. This development empowers machines to share information and interact with the help of intelligent sensors and actuators. Data is collected, analyzed and stored in the cloud for later processing. Networked production control with an ever-increasing level of automation and digitalization leads to more design opportunities for machine builders and plant operators. The need for implementation of “Industry 4.0” topics using practice-oriented training systems in education and training is steadily increasing.
Our training boards are ideally suited for an easy introduction to these complex topics of factory automation and Industry 4.0.
The All Electric Society’s vision of the future describes a world in which regeneratively generated electrical energy is available worldwide as the primary main form of energy in sufficient quantities and completely economically.
Smart Mobility in particular, as one of the sectors of the All Electric Society, is one of the future topics we are focusing our educational solutions on.

Training offer

We see ourselves as a partner of educational institutions and the business community and are at your side when you need support.
Our experienced trainers provide training in small groups using our training boards at the Phoenix Contact training center, directly on site in Schieder-Schwalenberg/Germany or digitally.
Our training courses support you in teaching the following topics:
- Installation of the Training Boards
- Basics of PLC programming
- PLCnext Technology
- C++, C# and MATLAB Libraries
- Modbus/TCP
- Web HMI
- Node-Red