Last week the International Conference on Smart Technologies & Education (STE) 2024 took place in Helsinki! The STE is an annual event dedicated to the fundamentals, applications, and experiences in the field of Smart Technologies, Online/Remote/Virtual Engineering, Virtual Instrumentation, and other related new technologies as well as education. As TechEducation, we co-organized the conference together with IAOE FOUNDATION INC and the EduNet World Association (EWA), creating an even larger network of university and industry professionals.
Our EduNet member, the Arcada University of Applied Sciences, hosted the conference supported by the Phoenix Contact subsidiary in Finland. Overall, more than 130 participants from around the globe came together to take part in the rich programme ranging from scientific papers, technical trainings, toworkshops. Furthermore, we explored (funding) opportunities for international cooperation for technical education with the representatives from the German Development Cooperation (GIZ), Erasmus+ National Agency Higher Education/German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), and SIBE Scientific Projects gGmbH.
The latest educational solutions from TechEducation were also presented: the Eduline AC Charging Set as well as the serious game ELECTRIFY today, both will be available soon!
Together, we are creating a sustainable world based on our passion for technology and innovation. At the STE24, the Phoenix Contact purpose was lived, and we are looking forward to the next STE in February/March 2025 to which you are kindly invited.
To the picture at the top of the page: Our Phoenix Contact colleagues from left to right: Hernán Lopez – Jana König – Elisabeth Ferreira – Maren Gast – Klaus Hengsbach – Dr. Adriano Mones Bayo – Hans-Jürgen Koch – Roland Bent – Hans Lindström

From left to right: Michael Auer, Klaus Hengsbach, Maria von Bonsdorff-Hermunen, Jana König, Dr. Dominik May, Hans Lindström, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reinhard Langmann, Kim Roos, Prof. Doru Ursutiu